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Method of work

C.G. Jung

The method of my work is based on Jungian analytical psychology. In accordance with Jungian principles, I see my mission in accompanying a person through a certain part of his or her life journey. My guidance does not mean absolute knowledge. On the contrary, it is the awareness that during the whole of our lives we are learning and none of us is more important than another. It is just that one has already had a chance to know specific topics more closely and has a certain experience in this field, whereas the other has not. Although we perceive our problems differently, and although they affect us variously, any one of us can, at a given time, find himself or herself in the same distress in which someone else found himself or herself yesterday.


The way towards our individuation is not easy. It is often accompanied by pain. But, as Jung said, “pain awakens us, communicating an important message. We should pay heed to what it is trying to convey.” In Jung’s conviction misery and neurosis are golden opportunities for breaking through to a higher, more meaningful consciousness, and they are simultaneously a prerequisite for the growth of the individual. This propels us forward to new states of existence. “If we outgrow something, it becomes is apparent in our future experience as a rise in the level of our consciousness” (C. G. Jung).


In this way, together with the client, we are endeavouring to get through to the essence of his or her pain, to situate it correctly and to shed light on its functioning. Through the use of its symptoms, we try to learn to be what we really are. I cannot perform or carry out this deepening in your place. I am just one of the persons accompanying your soul, a person who, through the assistance of the symbolism that appears in your dreams and creatures that your subconscious borrows in order to display its messages to you, tries to help you to listen to and to hear the voice of your soul.


A special therapeutic relationship based on confidentiality and anonymity is established between the therapist and client. Therefore, the details, being a part of the therapy, are never transmitted outside the therapeutic office.

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